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Equipment Assembly
Have you invested in new installations for your production department? Then you obviously want them to be transported and assembled with care. That’s one of Aertssen Cranes’ specialities. You can be sure of a suitable solution thanks to our powerful machinery, our skilled operators and the precise preparation work of our engineers.
Everything to move your installations into position
Aertssen Cranes has an extensive, state-of-the-art machine park with mobile cranes, extremely powerful manoeuvrable SPMTs and jacking and skidding systems. This way we find a solution for every challenge in your factory. Just think of bringing in a boiler or transformer, placing bullet tanks, distillation columns or reactors, but also industrial heat exchangers, vessels, pipelines and much more.

Sophisticated preparation of manipulation works
Our engineers use 3D models of your site and simulations to create precise lifting plans. Our trained operators then ensure a safe and error-free execution.