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Hydraulic Engineering
Reinforcing dikes, digging canals and improving fairways, building new harbours or even islands? These are all challenges that Aertssen Infra would love to take on. Such activities in and around water require a specific approach and specialized equipment. Exactly what you can expect from us.
Digging and dredging
Our excavators are set to work both from the shore and from a pontoon. Underwater digging or bank protection are child’s play with our cranes equipped with 3D machine control. And with our own dredger we also effortlessly complete dredging works in shallow waters.

National and international references in hydraulic engineering
Our expertise in hydraulic engineering has enabled us to participate in leading projects at home and abroad. For example, we recently deepened the Zwin estuary in Knokke, where we built a new dyke inland. Result? Less risk of flooding and an expansion of the Zwin nature reserve. Since 2006 we have also been working on gigantic offshore infrastructure works in the Middle East. Building airports at sea, excavating the Dubai Canal, constructing new ports: we have built up a great reputation with it. And in the Maldives, we are helping to build new islands in response to rising sea levels.

Looking for a reliable partner?
Contact us today!