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Aertssen Vastgoedontwikkeling Render Turnhout

Real Estate Development

Aertssen Group invests in the development of various real estate projects. The focus is on the rehabilitation of brownfields: former industrial sites that are heavily polluted. We take care of the demolition works, remediate the contaminated soil and carry out road construction works. Subsequently, houses, apartment blocks and commercial buildings are built in collaboration with external partners. We are continuously looking for polluted sites and old industrial sites that can be given a second life. Our extensive experience and short decision-making lines make us a strong partner for this type of project.

Boelwerf reconversion Temse (Belgium)

After the demolition, earthmoving and infrastructure works, a former 80-hectare shipyard became a residential and SME area. With hundreds of homes, apartments and commercial buildings, the project will bring new life to this former industrial site.

Aertssen Vastgoedontwikkeling Boelwerf De Zaat

Urban brownfields

We also use our expertise for smaller, urban brownfields. In Turnhout, we remediated a former landfill site in what became the first landfill mining project in Flanders. The new Eyssels residential project comprises 62 residential units and public gardens.

Aertssen Vastgoedontwikkeling Render
Aertssen Vastgoedontwikkeling Cordeel Beringen 2
Aertssen Vastgoedontwikkeling Cordeel Beringen 3
Aertssen Vastgoedontwikkeling Cordeel Beringen
Aertssen Vastgoedontwikkeling Render 2
Aertssen Vastgoedontwikkeling Render Turnhout

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Marc Van Ginkel Aertssen Vastgoedontwikkeling
Marc Van Ginkel
Real Estate Manager