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New railway bridge in Laudun (France)
In early February 2023, on behalf of our client Eiffage Génie Civil, Aertssen Kranen installed a railway bridge on a narrow site in Laudun, near Avignon in France. The new railway bridge is no less than 24.80 metres long and 4.80 metres wide. For the installation, the SNCF railway line was temporarily closed over the weekend.
When (re)placing a heavy load with a crane is not an option because of budgetary reasons and tight timing imposed by end customer SNCF Réseau, our customer Eiffage Génie Civil can count on the A-team to do the job. Using a hydraulic jack-up system, climbing jacks and SPMTs, we took care of the installation of the new bridge.
The Aertssen Cranes team mobilized itself at the beginning of the week and worked for nine days straight - including 48 hours of on-site standby - to install the two abutments and the bridge deck.
Before installing the 220-tonne bridge deck, we had to position two abutments, each weighing 350 tonnes. The bridge deck was then lifted with hydraulic jacks to the desired entry height and then placed on the two abutments of the railway bridge using SPMTs.
And as always, good preparation is half the battle, especially when moving heavy loads, where there is no room for error.